Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Vicious Mechanisms

I fall in love, I fall out of love. It's a terrible cycle that moves like clockwork. I forgot why I loved and so my love faded. Then, when I've nearly completely left my emotions, I look back and rediscover it all over again. I need grunge, I need it victorian. I need torn stockings and never ending violins. But can I love again? Can I refind the path I tried to burry? I placed inspiration in the wrong people, and they disappointed me. I lost the magic I sought. Can a few candles and a tattered note book bring it all back to me? I hope so, because I will be seeking their guidance back in to my world of macabre Anachronisms. Let the rain wash away the dirt I tried to burry my love under. Let me come upon it and take it from from the womb of the earth and let it smell of herbs and lost passion.

I hope others might share in this delicate love for stiff, stained lace, soiled silver ware, and broken dolls. Every little thing holds magic of its own. <3

Friday, September 30, 2011

With Regards to the Genre of Steam.

I made this blog when I first discovered the tantalizing world of Steampunk. The name of the the genre is a lead factor for why I strayed from it though... I am not a punk, I am not a rebel, I do not wish to insult nor maim the miracles of the past or the progression to the future. I don't consider many the steamers who take on the title to be "punks" either. We are more than that, we are engineers, craftsmen, scientists, seamstresses, tailors, inventors, visionaries, we do not maim what already is, we create from what's already been made. So no, I reject being called a "steampunk", only youth and people with need to sound threatening would call themselves "punk", only those who feel misunderstood would claim to be "punk", only those who are not proud of their creative spirits would call themselves "punk".
No my dear, that is not what I am. I am merely an anachronist from an era with in an era. This era. I am an artist, dreamer, and adventurer.
I am Neo-Victorian. I am Industrial. But I am no punk.